Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hand Fail

My very adorable and very clumsy husband (sorry babe) had a run in with the pavement this past weekend that cost him a right scaphoid fracture and six weeks in a cast. Christopher and I and two of our wonderful coworkers, Lourdes and Gina, went to a lovely wine cruise event on Saturday evening. After tasting, a little consumption, and giving himself a pseudonym, Chris attempted to show some skills and while losing his balance (the consumption may have had something to do with it) tried to break a fall and instead broke his hand. With help from Mr. Kim, Christopher was able to get all taken care of at a nearby clinic. Fortunately, the break is not as bad as it could have been. Some cases lead to surgery and much recovery but six weeks will fly by for us. Unfortunately, this comes at an inopportune time - we've started training for a marathon and Chris is not looking forward to running with a cast on, being a sweat master and all. Although this could be a very bad situation, we are looking at the positive side - we get some more up close and personal bonding ;)


Truth said...

I'm sorry you had a rough ending to what looks like a fun little cruise. I was wondering about the marathon training and how that will go with a cast. You will need to be extra careful.

Lauren, thanks for taking such good care of Christopher.

Kathleen said...

Glad you have lots of support there, this could have been disastrous. Take care of yourself. I know Lauren will take good care of you. When is the marathon?
Lot of love to both of you.

Unknown said...

There it is...the adorable and cozy looking blue sofa!! what a great find :)

Unknown said...

What an incredible looking sunset as well in the other photo from the cruise! So sorry about your accident Chris! You will heal up in no time. Plus you have your own littl personal nurse to assist you at any time :)

bigJCfan said...

dear jack sparrow,
im sorry to hear about your wrist, but honestly im more concerned about the mustache that has apparently taken over your face.
k.bree, esq

Anonymous said...

Nice stache brother..oh yeah i hope your hand heals nicely. -Hilary