Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Friendly Gesture

A number of weeks ago, we were watching the World Cup at the chicken joint on the bottom floor of our building.  There were only two tables of people there watching the game:  Our table, and some inebriated businessman.  The men saw our enthusiasm for our team so they cheered right along with us.  They enjoyed cheering with us so much they demanded I do a traditional Korean cheers with them...
And then offered us this as a gift....yikes.


Michael Haws said...

Yeah sure they are smiling but what they put on your plate doesn't look particularly friendly

Anonymous said...

Well, that looks like a delicacy, NOT. Looks like somebody already ate the fish and just left the entrails.

Pops Ulrich

Truth said...

LOL, I'll bet you dove right in on those. Yum, Yum.