After rafting, our day was only just beginning. We enjoyed a delicious, traditional Korean meal of Yang Gobchang-gui (broiled beef and chitterlings, weird but really good), Gimbap (rice wrapped in dried seaweed), and Sukju Namul (bean sprout salad). After a quick shower we were off to the main event of the day – BUNGEE JUMPING!
There were about 20 members of our group who had enough courage to take the 55m plunge. You quickly make friends when you’re all facing the prospect of death. You could pick between jumping with ankle straps or jumping with a torso harness that held you upright, obviously we both chose the ankles - we had no choice but to go all out. We waited for a good hour and a half on the platform watching others take the leap. There were all sorts of jumping styles, there were those who didn't even hesitate, those who chose to have their head dunked in the water, and those who contemplated the jump white-knuckled on the edge, there was even someone who after a ten minute failed attempt, finally asked to be pushed off when unaware.
Well, I thought it was no big deal and knew I would be flying gracefully through the air when it was my turn, oh how could I be so naive?! As soon as it was my turn, my legs turned to stone and were bolted to the platform. My mind was all for it but my legs literally wouldn't move. This is an example of my ridiculousness....
There was a split second that I thought, "okay, this may not be for me" but then I was reminded "if you think about it, don't think about it" (such great advice from a loving husband....?) Alas, I was successful although it wasn't perfect form it was good for a rookie.
Here is the jump through Chris' eyes (I will add, he had perfect form and looked like an elegant swan)....
This last video sums up the experience...
As you can see, you bounce around quite a bit after the initial jump. Christopher was level with the bridge at one point during the recoil. I was worried about my motion sickness but luckily it didn't bother me until the winding bus ride home when Chris thought it would be a good idea to chat it up about the perpetual spinning while chowing down on some Pizza Pringles. I quickly snatched the half eaten can needing somewhere to deposit my upset stomach...eeeww, I know but I felt SO much better. Hopefully next time we will have lunch after bungee jumping, not before.
It was such a thrill and we're both so happy to have done it. I highly recommend the adventure and know that I will be keeping my eyes open for another jump in the future. BE WARE of the spinning :)
Now thats what I'm talkin' 'bout
Excellent job guys!!!!!
Dad H
Oh my goodness! Wow! That was awesome. Aren't you glad you did it? "...when Chris thought it would be a good idea to chat it up about the perpetual spinning while chowing..." Lauren, you are hilarious.
One of the girls said the other day, "it's like they are on a year long honeymoon." Looks like bungee jumping and rafting were a great time. Are there rafting pics?
That was awesome!! I wish I could have been there, lol but I would have probably had longer videos than Laurn of me just standing there.... hahaha
OMGosh...(in a font SO big, it doesn't exist.) You both have more courage than I would ever have, in a situation of optional entertainment. WT Heck were you thinking? People my age are dropping dead without all that kind excitement. Please advise before you consider this again. At least I will have had the opportunity to pray for you..GEEZ, you need to come home before you get hurt.
WOW! Can't believe you guys did that! Christopher, you made Lauren go first!!!! At least she can say she showed you how to do it. That is scary stuff. How in the world do they get you down? I saw the hook to reel you in the boat. Its not the jumping that would bother me, it's the reliability of the equipment I would be concerned about. Guess I am too cautious at my age. Gram
After you stop bouncing around down there, the guy in the paddle boat positions under you and they start lowering the bungee down until he grabs a hold of you and puts you in the boat.
lol and I didn't MAKE Lauren go first, she had to use a different bungee than me because of weight class, and hers was hooked up before mine.
LAUREN! OH MY GOD when i was watching your videos i have butterflies for you!!! i would have stood their WAY longer haha i am so proud that you did it though and so jealous but cant say i would go out and do it. i get major butterflies from just watching oh my goodness you two are so cool!
oh and christopher when i watched your video i like held my breathe as you were going down ahh you guys are so brave
C & L: Looks like the next be thing to bailing out of an airplane, came close but never had too. Your guyss are providing some great posts.
Love ya'
GM & GP Haws
hahahaha lauren did you really barf in a pringles can? that is awesome
IM-pressed. Just impressed. And almost as impressed that you were able to puke into a pringles can!
Came over via your reading about your family at her "place"!
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