Thursday, May 28, 2009

N. Korea Drama

Who really knows what the heck is going on in North Korea???

To be honest, we do not. We know what the media tells us. Maybe they are accurate in their reporting, maybe not. Maybe North Korea's "news source" is accurate in THEIR reporting...but can you trust that?

It has become known that North Korea has basically rescinded on a truce that was made with South Korea in 1953. They have restarted their nuclear program and have tested long and short range missiles (and are said to be testing more in the near future). According to various news sources it has also become clear that they have threatened South Korea with strong military force if their ships were searched.

What all of this means on the other hand, your guess is as good as ours. Of course we are a little nervous residing in the largest city in South Korea. At the same time though, it does not consume us in the least. It has yet to be a topic of conversation with anybody else but each other. Other teacher's at school, the school administration, and the students haven't mentioned a single thing about it. Are they talking about it on the street? HAHA, I may be able to read phonetically, but that is the totality of my Korean language mastery.

Maybe this is a situation that is worse than it appears. At the same time, it could be a well constructed media ploy to accomplish a goal unknown to us. One thing we do know: There is nothing to fear but God. To be fearful and make plans hastily from the knowledge we have would be foolish.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3: 5-6


Truth said...

An interesting place to be, to say the least. Sometimes it is better when we don't know the details. But the not knowing is as much or more of a faith walk sometimes than not knowing.

Unknown said...

I noticed that I can only get to the blog in a backwards link "kind of way". I think you're being monitored and they've cut your blog off. It could be the illegal watching of NBA games across an unauthorized internet connection. I think you should "lay low" so they move on to other international infiltrator targets. The series (Nuggets) was good while it lasted.

Anonymous said...

I was so glad to read your post. I was wondering what you were hearing and seeing. A missionary once told us,"the safest place to be is in Gods will." I think you guy's are pretty safe.
PS - I haven't given up on the Nuggets yet....