Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lantern Festival

April 25th marked the beginning of the Lotus Lantern Festival in Seoul. The lantern festival takes place to celebrate Buddha's Birthday (Seoul: Birthday in 2009 takes place May 2nd). The festival lasts for a week and you can find the lanterns strung throughout various parks in Seoul.

Lauren and I are not buddhist, however this has special meaning for the both of us.

Freshman year of college at ASU was quite an adventure for Lauren and I. I was so head over heals in love with my future wife I actually went to classes I was not enrolled in to sit and listen to lectures I would not be tested on. A freshman in college, the world at your fingertips, and you are in a class that will have zero impact on your future. Love is the only word that can explain such bizarre action from a 19 year old, "I know everything there is to know", novice college student.

The class I attended voluntarily was World Religions. The instructor was a small (no taller than 5'1) white-haired, vibrant professor. She embraced her lectures like a convicted pastor of a Southern Baptist Church.

The middle of the semester brought Buddhism to the table. Like any typical Wednesday afternoon, you could find me in Neeb Hall (ASU alum you know what I'm talking about), oogling over my wife-to-be while trying to block out the lecture. This particular day though I was drawn to her words. As Lauren took notes and I listened attentively, the professor was building up to an enormous climax. She had been going on and on about Buddha and the world for some time now, when she slowly peered across the full 300 seat auditorium and proclaimed for everyone to know "SO, the thing is...Everybody in here, is... BUDDHA!". At that point I turned to my beautiful girlfriend. With loving eyes, I exclaimed "OH! Hello Buddha!"

From this moment we have lovingly used the pet name - Buddha. Our closest friends know this to be true. It is a name we use more often than our given names.

So, in honor of this loving nickname, we attended the opening of the Lotus Lantern Festival (Buddha's Birthday).


Truth said...

What a sweet post. I've never heard the ASU story, but loved it. The pictures are awesome. Thank-you for sharing this with all of us. We love you so much!

Michael Haws said...

Careful buddy, you're stepping on Laurens toe!!

Betty and Ed Haws said...

Enjoyed the narrative and thought the pictures were outstanding :-)

Unknown said...

brouht tears to my eyes :) blessings to you both and your love for one another!

Anonymous said...

I always wondered where that "Buddha" nickname came from. Love, Mom G

Anonymous said...

Ah,so romantic. Chris, you should write a novel. You could be our next Nicholas Sparks! PH