I love coffee shops. They are fantastic. Nice little settings, usually with very delightful coffee. One thing I dislike, is having to wait the one or two minutes for the coffee. I need instant gratification.
Well we learned a new level of patience in terms of waiting for coffee. After walking around Olympic Park on Saturday afternoon, we thought iced coffee might be the greatest possible idea ever. Good news for us, The Coffee Bean was right there in the park ready to serve us.
"One icee banilla latte, one icee banilla creamay". Apparently the iced vanilla latte and iced vanilla cream drinks were invented in the English language and adopted into Korean language (making ordering much easier). The barista took the order great, handed us our receipt and said "25 minutes".
We took the receipt, and our beeper (you know the restaurant beeper they give you when your table is ready for you to be seated) and went outside to wait. Twenty-five minutes is quite long time to wait for coffee. Thankfully a few things kept us entertained.
This lady's outfit:
The phrase at the bottom of the receipt:

After 25 minutes, sure enough the buzzer went off and we were on our way to observe the fountain and enjoy the rest of our Saturday afternoon.
Great pics, life in Korea is certainly interesting. I'm afraid I would have a hard time being so patient for coffee. I too like it quick, not instant-it not make me happy.
Can you imagine Americans waiting 25 minutes at a Starbucks? Yeah, me neither.
First off, what day is Halloween there, I think you guys missed it.. Make you happy! lol
There's a girl on campus who dresses in little skirts and outfits like that everyday!!!
I have recently discovered I like iced coffee, though I probably wouldn't like it very much if I had to wait that long haha
Either that iced coffee is very fresh or they are running to the nearest McDonalds to get it!
Funny how Americans think everything should be instant gratification.
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