Saturday, May 9, 2009

Food On a Stick

We had heard rumors about a street in Beijing that had some absolutely wild food. The three of us (Lauren, our friend Molly, and I) were bound and determined to uncover this hidden street and force ourselves to try the food. I mean come on, how bad could it possibly be? Would I really be SO grossed out that I wouldn't try a single thing?

Well...sort of. We accomplished our goal of trying something this street. Strawberries on a stick covered in liquid sugar. Delicious.

Take a look at what we chose not to eat on this street (if you have a weak stomach, I suggest exiting the website immediately and NOT clicking on THIS VIDEO). If you can bare it, please do look at the pictures, and the video. All items seen here are put into boiling oil upon request and sold to brave individuals who can "stomach" much more than I.


Truth said...

So, did you eat anything besides the strawberries??? Scorpions...shudder. Most awful thing I've ever seen, and did you see anyone eat them? Quite the experience you had.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys really went out on a limb(stick?) trying sugar coated strawberries!!!

Kathleen said...

Ironically these same items were eaten by participants of "The Amazing Race" in China last week, so we got a close up view. Glad you didn't try them, yuck!